Fragger level 21
Fragger level 21

Later, in the Lab levels, you’ll also see lasers on the map which can be used to destroy anything, but also act as obstacles to your grenades. These will make your grenades, loose environment objects, and even enemies fly up, down, left or right, possibly even off the map entirely. Added to exploding and rocketing boxes littered about each level are gravity switching boxes. The game changing new mechanic is the gravity mechanic, and it is the bee’s knees. You can abort a grenade if it falls somewhere out of sequence, to prevent it from exploding and ruining your day, but that grenade will still count towards your total throws. You’ve got a limited number of throws to complete each level within. Blowing certain things up early might cause a stone wall to block an enemy, or a metal box to fall in the way of your grenade’s path.

fragger level 21

Wooden planks, exploding crates, rocket boxes and other obstacles change the landscape as you go, blocking some targets and revealing others. The puzzles are mainly a matter of figuring out which things to blow up first. Instead of a three star rating system, you receive a medal if you manage a perfect score. The goal remains the same: toss grenades at goofy enemies while glued to the same spot, navigating environmental obstacles to solve each puzzle. The first 20 or so levels serve mostly as a retread/tutorial of familiar rules and functions.

#Fragger level 21 professional

The art style is infinitely more consistent and professional looking, with three worlds with their own motifs and color schemes The Countryside, Forest Ruins, and Lab, with 30 levels each. Classical in every way, but improved with age. I don’t know if they did, but they should probably check this game out anyway. Anyway, was the wait worth it? Did anyone really want this sequel? Not quite ‘cradle of life,’ ‘dawn of man’ ancient, but still pretty darn old.

fragger level 21

I mean, 5 years? That’s ancient history in mobile gaming. All this time later, Harold Brenes, the original creator of Fragger is back with a long, long awaited sequel, Fragger 2 ($0.99). It’s been five long years since published the port of the original Fragger ($0.99) to the App Store.

Fragger level 21